I guess I should give a better explanation of what I'm trying to do. This is nothing like anything i've ever attempted, and I need some serious help! I'm trying to create a dice rolling system for a game with 8 types of custom six-sided dice. Here is a screanshot of the gump I've set up.
The idea for the top part of the dialog (with the big dice) to be empty to begin with. Players will select a combination of colored dice using the 8 small colored dice buttons at the bottom. Once they are content with their selection, they use the button in the middle of the circle to roll the dice.
The big dice each have two small buttons at the top corners. The little die button at the top left is to re-roll that individual die (removing the original results of that dice.) The X on the right is to remove that dice from the dice pool (removing any results scored by that dice.) The "clear" button at the bottom removes all dice from the pool.
I don't need any rules based functionality, but I would like the script to tally up the results of a roll using the 3 stats that are on each die.
The hearts are "Wounds"
The Lightning Bolts are "Surges"
and the numbers are "Range"
I'm not expecting anyone to script the system for me, but a few examples to help get me going would be very helpful. I'm pretty lost.
Here's the code for the dialog so far:
[DIALOG d_dice_tower]
page 0
gumppic 5 5 11265
//Dice Pool
button 52 542 11373 11373 1 0 1001 //Red button
gumppic 52 542 11373 32 //Red color
button 81 521 11373 11373 1 0 1002 //Blue button
gumppic 81 521 11373 102 //Blue color
gumppic 119 525 11373 1149 //White color
gumppic 140 554 11373 52 //Yellow color
gumppic 45 577 11373 466 //Green color
gumppic 67 606 11373 2018 //Black color
gumppic 104 613 11373 1891 //Silver color
gumppic 134 592 11373 1125 //Gold color
button 88 559 4023 248 1 0 0 //Roll!
dtext 91 581 690 Roll!
//IF (<REF1.TAG0.TotalDice> > 0)
gumppic 28 29 11341 0 //Result
button 84 29 3 4 1 0 0 //Delete
button 26 26 11373 11373 1 0 0 //Re-roll
gumppic 26 26 11373 <REF1.TAG0.D1.TYPE>> //Re-roll Color
gumppic 111 29 11356 0 //Result
button 167 29 3 4 1 0 0 //Delete
button 109 26 11373 11373 1 0 0 //Re-roll
gumppic 109 26 11373 466 //Re-roll Color
button 28 107 11364 248 1 0 0
button 84 107 3 248 1 0 0
gumppic 26 104 11373 2018
button 111 107 11365 248 1 0 0
button 167 107 3 248 1 0 0
gumppic 109 104 11373 2018
button 28 185 11366 248 1 0 0
button 84 185 3 248 1 0 0
gumppic 26 182 11373 2018
button 111 185 11368 248 1 0 0
button 167 185 3 248 1 0 0
gumppic 109 182 11373 1891
button 28 263 11364 248 1 0 0
button 84 263 3 248 1 0 0
gumppic 26 260 11373 2018
button 111 263 11365 248 1 0 0
button 167 263 3 248 1 0 0
gumppic 109 260 11373 2018
button 28 341 11366 248 1 0 0
button 84 341 3 248 1 0 0
gumppic 26 338 11373 2018
button 111 341 11368 248 1 0 0
button 167 341 3 248 1 0 0
gumppic 109 338 11373 1891
button 28 419 11366 248 1 0 0
button 84 419 3 248 1 0 0
gumppic 26 416 11373 2018
button 111 419 11368 248 1 0 0
button 167 419 3 248 1 0 0
gumppic 109 416 11373 1891
button 66 495 12003 248 1 0 0
[dialog d_dice_tower button