I really dont understand why sphere call it self as "community" if the source code is closed... (today for me sphere seems a little bit like android: it's open source, you can do anything you want but the core source you can not touch)
I've been rejected for many years trying to get into the development team, the most recent kick off came from Ben, who sayied to me the same thing he wrote here: "Everyone will just take the source and modify it for their own server, not sharing with the main branch anyways"..
Obviously that everyone wants to make improvements on your shard, because the actual development team doesn't care about what we want to make for our shards become different, to get some advantage from other shards... we just want to do whatever we want to do and you guys are blocking us for some selfish reason.
If some one ask me to help, I always try to make the best to help then, so why you guys think if i've made something that was really good, i would not share?
Of course i will not share the same script of my shard, but the base script, the how-to, all the information to help of course I would!
I've already shared nice codes in the community.. why stop? (this is the luberjacking of my shard... any sphere shard can use it now, even DMS Shard from Brazil who have a Sphere Development member on the staff, Coruja... why i did that???? CUZ I REALLY DON'T CARE!!!!! i just want Ultima Online players back, if in my shard GOOD if not GOOD too!)
Sphere not becomming open source is the worst thing for Ultima Online Community... Ultima is almost dying around the world and we basicly are creating same shards arround the globe just with diferent names... this is really a community?