Well i've thought about a post with some kind of wishlist. Since myself there are stuff i will work on, i was wondering if some people here had ideas, but just didn't have the time to work on it.
My ideas :
- Bosses. , Going to update/release them as i do them.
- Instances. , Script which place certain *teleporters* to prevent doing them more than x amount of time per y day/week/year..., yeah years!
- Mindblowing. , Sort of crazy script i want to do which imply players to use their brain. Puzzles, riddles and so on...
More and more but there is no point writing them all yet.
Let's have an heart attack.
I had to ask this tho. I think i already tried that in the past but didn't succeed. Warping players into the same zone, but having them into different layers. Which mean if a player zone in layer 1, the second player zone in the layer 2, in the same spot, without them seeing each other. I think i found out a way to do that but it would require an incredible amount of *maps*. Waiting an answer and your wishes